There are times when you see a threat on the horizon and are compelled to prepare for it; when informed people are sending out constant warning signals that something is very wrong and you need to brace yourself and get ready. Many people are so blinded and dazed by the smoke and fog of the program of mass deception that they need strong nudges in order to wake up. It's time to realize that things change. Nothing always stays the same; except the perverse nature of mankind and the righteous nature of God.
It's painful to think about our way of life (as bad as you think it is now) being turned upside down and getting worse, but I sense the need to stir people up to come fully alive. To think for themselves. We're bogged down. Not the strong, ruggedly independent, compassionate, clear-headed, God-fearing people we are supposed to be.
Do not be conformed any longer to this world. Follow God's (Yahweh's) ways and commands. He is our salvation and refuge. If you're not sure where to go or what to do, ask him; he will lead you. If he prompts you to store food during the "fat" times for the "lean" times, that may be his way of providing not only for your household, but for others he brings along your path. It is our responsibility to take proper precautions for the well being of our loved ones as well as others.
Please watch the video below which explains why we have been going to war with certain countries and who "runs the show." This and other sources of real information about what's going on in the world today will help you to begin to understand why and how to prepare for the coming hard times.
Prepare physically as needed, but hold on to the things of this world with a loose grip. They are useful to us but temporarily and for God's purposes. Store up not for yourselves treasures on Earth, but treasures in Heaven/God's kingdom.
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