Jun 19, 2015

Know YOUR Reality (Part 2)

This is part 2 of my Truth in Alternatives post about uncovering our widespread state of deception, thinking for yourself, and taking off the blinders fitted to you as a newborn instead of being a host-mind for the underhanded policies of political, power-hungry parasites. To find truth, you must be willing to be open to new ideas that you may currently believe to be preposterous.

Some people actually do want to stay in the dark. They’re too frightened to journey down an unfamiliar path. They’re afraid of what horror they may encounter and simply don’t want to contend with the consequences of knowledge. Once you know something, you can’t un-know it.

But I can’t stand to do that. I must know MY reality, even if it hurts. You will feel pain either way, but approaching life with intentional thought and action is empowering rather than defeating. Being passive is more dangerous than knowing truth, unless you are an enemy of truth.

Learned helplessness that comes from repeatedly being denied freedom, autonomy, and individual expression, as well as passivity, has been carefully cultivated into our souls through public schools, media, and entitlement programs etc. It has become a national epidemic that our corrupt “leaders” use to fool us and keep us compliant. It weakens and robs you until you are only a broken, defeated, frustrated fragment of the man or woman you are meant to be.

I know many will not wake up, because truth is often spurned and it’s difficult to revive yourself when being shaken awake from a deep sleep. “Just ten more minutes…” you say. But if you hear the alarm, wake up, get up, live with purpose and seek to increase your understanding of truth. You don’t have to jump on anyone’s bandwagon, just move closer to reality and give yourself the opportunity to make informed choices.

Do you see what is going on? We are groomed from birth to unquestionably submit to towering authority figures in order to know what we are supposed to do, think, feel, and believe. Our degenerating culture is set up through all manner of social behavior propaganda in order to slowly and steadily program us to conform to the ideals of godless/occultist/satanic social engineers because they think we’re morons. In a way we have been dumbed down, but their own wisdom leaves much to be desired. These social engineers are a relatively small group of elites who are working towards a global, one world government (that means the end of our Constitution and freedoms).

By the way, they also practice Eugenics with plans to drastically reduce the population of the world. Sound crazy? It is crazy. Crazy true. Truth is stranger than fiction. Where do you think people get fictional story plots? It is easy to research and find evidence for what I’m telling you. I know this may be a lot to take in at once. The following documentary will help you to understand how the perfected art of mind control has been perpetrated on virtually everyone.

They have succeeded in making much of our society love their captors and slavery to “Big Brother”. Many people don’t have a clue what it would be like to truly be free and instead have been working and consuming for the increase of wealth, power, and pleasure for those at the top of the pyramid. And we’ve been, as a whole, programmed to believe that this is good.

Do you willingly accept your position as a wage slave (working for a master) and have no vision or strong desire to be free?

Do you believe that debt and credit can be good?

Do you resist the idea of living a simple, self-sufficient lifestyle?

Are you repulsed by any proposal to grow most of your own food and learn skills to be more self-reliant?

Do you sneer at the idea of not shopping at a grocery store for your food? “I mean, where else would you be able to get food anyway? Doesn’t it magically appear on store shelves?”

Would you rather be (and have your children be) spoon-fed a government indoctrination education instead of being self-taught and learning naturally, more likely to be able to think critically and come to the knowledge of REALITY?

Do you honestly believe that your current relatively comfy and routine lifestyle will just continue on indefinitely and that “things aren’t so bad” or that “they’re getting better”?

Do you comfort yourself with the idea that if tragedy strikes, the government will rescue you?

Does the term civil disobedience offend you and make you want to loyally run straight into the arms of Daddy Government to tell on those bad people who dare to think for themselves and resist tyranny and lawlessness? Blind obedience to evil is nothing to be proud of.

We are merely pawns and experimental subjects in their sophisticated mind game. We have to work to renew our minds, strip away the layers of deception and mind control  and be lead by the Spirit of God, not people. Just reading this or hearing the truth is the beginning of expanding your mind and breaking your programming.

Prepare yourself to confront and deal with reality. Begin thinking for yourself. Try something different. There’s nothing to fear. Would you rather have hard truth and know your personal reality or allow yourself to be unwittingly manipulated and induced into a submissive stupor by a temporarily comforting, addictive, and deliberately crafted con?

I know this is surreal and hard to accept, but life can be like that. It’s surreal to witness or be in a terrible car accident. It was surreal to watch the twin towers be brought down by demolition. Don’t you think it was surreal for the people who were put on trains to be put in concentration camps? Don’t you think it could happen to you? When the proverbial train is wrecked, the elites want you to lie there passively in disbelief as you watch yourself bleed to death instead of shake it off and fight back… or else plead for their damning salvation which effectively hands over your rights and increases their power.

Tyranny is just as much a threat today as it was in the 1900s, 1800s, and 1700s. America is not immune. Our leadership is plowing right through the Constitution and dismissing its tenants because it does not jive with their push for a new world order. What or who is to protect our freedoms now? The answer to that is the same as it was in the beginning of the United States: We the freedom-loving people. Yes, people, the condition of America and the world is much worse than the average person is aware of. PLEASE educate yourself, watch the videos I’ve linked to, and prepare as best you can.


Turn off the television and tune out of mainstream broadcasting for a while. In case you didn’t know, mainstream media is controlled and manipulated. Like I said in Part 1, you’re not likely to find much helpful truth there. Instead, begin a search for truth in the alternative avenues of independent media. Dare to listen to and learn from other views.

Sure, you are bound to have to dismiss some nonsense (just what is it exactly that you think is being constantly pumped into our society masquerading as the official truth?), but at least you have a chance to find truth. You’ve been dealing with nonsense your whole life; the only difference is now you can begin to learn to distinguish a little better between a false front and the reality behind that front.

AND, don’t be so quick to dismiss everything that goes against what you currently believe as irrefutable fact to be nonsense. That’s the whole point of this challenge: to put yourself on a quest to test EVERYTHING. It’s okay to question your long-held, deeply protected beliefs and convictions. Otherwise, you could be narrowing your exposure to professionally packaged pretext. May the truth stand and the cards fall where they may.

Don’t misunderstand. Truth IS narrow, but if you’re looking for it on the broad path, you will miss it by 100%. Seek God’s kingdom first and he promises to meet your needs.

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
-Matthew 13:44

"Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self confidence."
-Robert Frost

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