Feb 25, 2015

Back to Eden Gardening

This year’s garden is going to be different from ever before... because we are in the process of getting our own land after years of renting and frequent moving. We never could get a significant garden going.

We are more serious than ever about growing our own food and doing more for ourselves. We no longer trust in and think it’s a good idea to depend on distant corporations for our basic needs.

Gardening has always been a mixed blessing. Hopeful rewards mixed with a lot of complicated rules and chores. Now I’m excited and anxious to get plants and seeds in the ground after years of waiting to try a new approach.

It was 3 years ago that I happened upon a film that changed my view on growing my own produce; it even provided spiritual revelation. What gardening film has the power to do that?

The Back to Eden film.

It’s a totally simple, but revolutionary (to our modern meddlesome methods) almost hands-off approach to gardening that replicates God’s design of our ecosystem(s).

As I age I increasingly realize that if a strategy is not simple and natural, it's most likely not the way it was intended. I believe that spirituality, learning, and growing produce shouldn’t be as complicated and unnatural as is often portrayed and practiced.

Imagine not having to till or cultivate the soil, irrigate your plants, fight weeds, or do many of the other tasks which many of us dread when we dream of starting a garden. Nature has its way of regenerating itself. There is a constant covering of organic material feeding the plants, retaining moisture, and conditioning the soil. Covering is key.

I look forward to seeing the results of our garden this year. I’m sure it will be a learning experience; which is why I’m going to take detailed records. If you are just beginning with this method, pay careful attention to the tips given in the film in order to get your garden established the first year. 

Watch the Back to Eden film.

One of my next posts will be about another food-growing method that beautifully compliments Eden-style gardening.


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